Should I rebrand?

Is it worth rebranding my business?

A question a lot of marketing managers and business owners find themselves asking. A rebrand for your business is a big step, and as a Brisbane branding agency we can offer a few things to keep in mind when making this decision.

Considering rebranding your business? Here are some tips from a Brisbane branding agency.

What is the main driver for rebranding your business?

If you're feeling a bit disconnected from your audience, a rebrand could be the solution. It's a matter of gauging if your current branding aligns with your goals, and that's a conversation between you and your customers. Ways to explore this include:

  • Strategic brand reviews: Dive into deep discussions about your business with branding experts who live and breathe this stuff.

  • Brand workshops with your customer base: If you’re rebranding you likely have an established customer base, involve them in the process. Find out what they love about your brand, and what they don’t.

  • Customer-engaged workshops: Your customers are the real MVPs. If you’re rebranding you likely have an established customer base. Involve them in the branding process. Learn what they adore about your brand and where there's room for improvement. This is a great opportunity to get feedback to guide the logo design process later. If the purse strings allow, it could be helpful to bring in a branding agency and an analytics and insights agency to run a focus group. Branding workshops are a great opportunity to test different creative and messaging. Having a third-party and a fresh set of eyes asking consumers about branding, logo design, and website design can provide constructive insights for a top-notch rebrand.

Weighing your brand’s history.

Is there heritage to your brand and could it be lost during the rebrand? As a Brisbane branding agency we regularly work with multigenerational businesses that have a strong heritage and rich stories to tell. When we rebrand these businesses we always capture the essence of the brand and stay true to its origins, both with the visual brand and logo design – as well as the spoken brand with our copywriting, website, brand guidelines and more.

Is it just time for a rebrand?

Sometimes, it's not about fixing what's broken; it's about staying ahead. Many of the rebrands we work on are with thriving businesses who are proactive and staying on the forefront of their industry and market trends, ensuring they never miss a beat. As a Brisbane branding agency we always tackle each project with a unique touch because, well, every rebrand is a story of its own.

A rebrand can be an exciting time to reengage your customer base with a fresh brand AND BACK-TO-MARKET CAMPAIGN.

Use the rebrand as an opportunity to reconnect with customers new and old, and undertake a multichannel campaign to spread the word across print, social and in-store if you’re a bricks and mortar business.

Keen to spruce up your logo design or embark on a rebrand adventure? Hit us up; we're all ears for your next big project.

I hope that helps shed a little more light on whether it’s worth rebranding.

Happy branding, my friends ✌️

A Graphic Designer in Brisbane